Labor Day Pet Safety Tips
Labor Day is a sendoff to the summer that’s often spent with friends and family (including your pets). Kick back and celebrate your hard work by relaxing as much as possible with your pets!
This weekend, make sure your pet stays cool, hydrated and away from these common foods that can turn your big weekend plans into big veterinary expenses:
Corn cobs: Dogs find them difficult to resist, but they often get stuck in the digestive system and require surgical removal. When Luca dug through the trash to eat corn cobs, quick action made the difference between surgery and a less invasive treatment.
Kebabs: When meat-on-a-stick tempts pets, they often don’t discriminate between meat and stick. This creates some dangerous digestive situations—like when Griffin gobbled up a chicken kabob stick and all, his snack skewered more than just weekend plans.
Bones: Bones create choking hazards, and their sharp fragments can damage mouths and stomach linings. Swallowed bones can also create blockages. When Rex snuck a wishbone and got it lodged in his throat, it took days and specialty surgery to get the pep back in this pup.
Keep in mind, human foods can cause numerous health problems when eaten by pets. The best way to avoid vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis and more is to keep your pet on their regular diet.
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Products underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (CA), Columbus, OH; National Casualty Company (all other states), Columbus, OH. Agency of Record: DVM Insurance Agency. All are subsidiaries of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review and approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states. Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance contracts, policies or declaration pages, which are controlling. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, Nationwide is on your side, VetHelpline® and Nationwide PetRxExpressSM are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Third party marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2024 Nationwide. 24CRS10095